YOP Education is India’s Best Educational platform for Teaching Exams like CTET, All State TETs, KVS, DSSSB, NVS etc. Team YOP Education is going to provide you basic to advance courses and guidelines, along with different courses and live sessions you can also get regular Exam Alerts, Job Updates, Educational Trainings, Motivational Videos and many more.
YOP Education (an unit of Your Online partner) is founded by Author and Educator Deepak Himanshu, who is also owner of YouTube Educational platform ‘Your Online Partner’ with 10 Years teaching experience and trust of 4 Lakh+ students along with Author of multiple Teaching Exams Books.
Er. Deepak Himanshu is the founder of educational platform ‘YOP Education’ and well recognised top educator of India trending on various popular e-Learning platforms like YouTube, Unacademy etc.
He is also the author of multiple best-selling teaching exam books available at Amazon, FlipKart and Book stores in all over india.
He has been teaching secondary, senior secondary students alongside offering various teacher trainings like D.EL.ED, B.Ed, CTET and state level TETs.
He belongs to a teaching family background from Purnea District of Bihar and his father Shri Pran Mohan Jha is a well-known Government Teacher awarded by the President of India.
Although by profession he is a software Project leader having experience in multinational software companies in various countries, he has an immense amount of passion for teaching.
In 2017, he founded his own educational platform addressing large audience to train candidate aspiring to become qualified teachers that is growing constantly having trust of 4 lakhs+ Learners.
He has been receiving various awards & facilitating in media continuously for his excellent work. In 2018 he was also awarded as ‘The Most Influencing Educator of India’ by India’s largest e-Learning platform Unacademy.
His aim is to help passionate people from remote part of country digitally to grow in their teaching expertise who cannot come forward due to lack of opportunity in their area.